本站讯(通讯员 刘丹青)美国时间2020年9月4日,美国风景园林协会(American Society of Landscape Architect, ASLA)公布2020年度学生竞赛获奖作品。天津大学建筑学院学生作品《与自然共生:来自洋流、海平面上升和台风的韧性机遇》(Standing with Nature: resilience opportunities from current, sea-level rise and typhoon)获得分析规划荣誉奖。这是风景园林专业学生国际竞赛的最高奖项。
设计方案选题源自建筑学院空间人文与场所计算实验室早期关于高雄湿地的研究课题,在此基础上获得灵感的规划分析方案。由实验室2020届硕士毕业生雷巍牵头完成,其初期作品关注高雄的内陆湿地系统韧性提升曾在2018年获得国际风景园林师协会IFLA学生竞赛提名(Entry Recognition)。获奖团队7位成员来自分属各自的导师工作室的不同三个年级的硕士研究生,在风景园林系和环境艺术设计系老师共同指导下完成。
Project Statement:Human beings can build concrete armour at any cost to protect them from the sea, but not for everywhere. Titled ‘Standing with Nature’, the concept challenges those that have often been understood as disastrous natural effects, and proposed a special way to take the advantage of nature to save the dying fringe coastal area of Kaohsiung, which is away from the port-centred prosperous metropolitan area well protected by giant concrete land-fill ports. This project sees the special endemic opportunities from current, sea-level rise and typhoon in restoration of the destructively damaged coastal mangrove habitat. With the voluntary regress caused by the gradual sea-level rise, such succession process leaves space for natural force and low-impact human intervention. By creating a forward biophilic landscape buffer along with death and life both for men and nature, a general coastal resilience is supposed to be promoted together with the permaculture development within and beyond the coast to meet a common prosperity at the currently declining coastal fringe.