Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists┃林宇洁,Joshua Linn:环境规制与产品属性:以欧洲乘用车温室气体排放标准为例
本站讯(马寅初经济学院供稿)天津大学马寅初经济学院助理教授林宇洁与美国马里兰大学Joshua Linn教授合作的文章“Environmental Regulation and Product Attributes:The Case of European Passenger Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards”(环境规制与产品属性:以欧洲乘用车温室气体排放标准为例),作为首篇文章刊登在最近出版的美国环境与资源经济学家协会会刊Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists2023年,第10卷,第一期,第1-32页。
Environmental Regulation and Product Attributes:
The Case of European Passenger Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists,
Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 1-32,2023
Yujie Lin, Joshua Linn
Energy efficiency and carbon dioxide emissions standards apply to many consumer durables, such as refrigerators and passenger vehicles. Welfare analysis of these standards is complicated by the fact that product manufacturers choose a wide range of product attributes, many of which are unobserved by the researcher. Whereas the literature has considered the effects of standards on product prices, energy efficiency, and perhaps one or two other attributes, we show that in a differentiated product market, standards can affect virtually any product attribute, and those effects have ambiguous implications for consumer welfare. This paper implements a novel strategy to estimate the causal welfare effects of standards on product attributes. Considering European carbon dioxide emissions standards for passenger vehicles, we find that these standards have reduced fuel consumption and emissions. However, the standards have unintentionally reduced vehicle quality, which undermines 26% of the welfare gains of the standards.
(编辑 赵晖 王菁伟)